Website Conversion Tricks Carbon & Clay Website Conversion Tricks Carbon & Clay

What to Include in the Footer of Your Website

Crafting a strategic website footer is essential for any online service provider. This often-overlooked section can enhance user experience and boost your site's SEO. Our templates are designed with these elements in mind: navigation, service sales pages, call-to-action buttons, social links, logos, business descriptions, and legal links. Get a professional site for a fraction of the cost with our customizable templates, starting at just $200, and launch your site in a weekend!

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Squarespace Templates Carbon & Clay Squarespace Templates Carbon & Clay

Squarespace Templates: Your Solution for a Rapid Website Launch

Starting a website can feel like a mountain climb for beginners, but our Squarespace templates make it feel like a walk in the park. Think of Carbon & Clay templates not just as pre-made designs that will make your old website jealous, but as your strategic digital canvas, ready and primed with copywriting prompts for the specific content you need to place in the right place for a high-converting website.

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Carbon & Clay Carbon & Clay

What to include on your contact page

An effective contact page on your website is crucial for visitors to reach out to you easily. It acts as a direct line of communication between you and your audience, making it simple for them to ask questions, give feedback, or even inquire about your services.

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5 Design Layouts you Can Easily Steal for your Website